Trainer's profile:

My name is Maroof Ahmed. I am a professional SEO expert and Web developer.

I have started a Free SEO course.

What is SEO? And why should you learn?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Google is a Search Engine so we start practicing to rank our website on top searches in Google. simply rank our business in Google. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) empowers a business to rank higher in search engine results which helps in reaching a wider audience Humans are inquisitive in nature and they search for answers all the time. Google has become the go-to search engine for Billions of people all around the world. This can be achieved by understanding how Google search engine works and how it ranks websites.

This course will start from 13th June.
Course Duration is  1 month.
Class timing is 9:30pm.
And 10 to 10:30 will be discussion time.
Classes will be from Monday to Friday.
Class duration will be half hour or 30 minutes.
Recorded lectures will also be available.
Classes Live Platform YouTube / Facebook
There are no paid tools required.

Course Outline:

Introduction to SEO

Basic SEO

Googlebot (Google Crawler)

Search Engine Basics

Major Search Engines


Off Page Optimization

Profile Linking

Business Listing

Social Bookmarking

Image Submission

Video Submission

Pdf/ Docs/ Article Sharing

Directory Submission

Guest Posting

Quora Q/A

Web 2.0

Blog Posts/Comments

Forums Posting

Classified Ads Submission

Search Engine Submissions 

On Page Optimization

Meta Keywords

Meta Description

Alt / Title / H1 / Placements


No follow and Do follow Links

Internal Links / External Links

Check Keywords Ranking


SEO Setup

Google Analytics

Google Webmaster

Site Map Generate


Site Audit / Site Clinic

Page loading speed check

Page error analysis

Duplicate content check

Broken link (No open link)

Traffic source analysis

Keyword Research

Targeted Keywords

Analysis of keyword sets for search volume & competition and finalizing keyword strategy

Website Analysis


Thank You 

Maroof Ahmed